Case Study - Jo

Here's how we worked with client Jo to prepare for her surgery, and layed the foundations for an incredible recovery.
Tom McKenny
August 31, 2022
Case Study - Jo

A major surgery is a big deal, there are many unknowns and it can be a scary and uncertain time, but in any situation there are always things we do have control over. When Jo joined us at Bombers, she made a decision to take control of her physical fitness, to prepare her body for a scheduled hip replacement surgery.


For a few months prior to the surgery, Jo was following our fitness fundamentals programme. These are the key points we considered when planning her recovery.

Aerobic capacity

When planning for the best possible recovery, building a solid aerobic base is key. If your Cardiorespiratory systems are running optimally, you'll put yourself in the best possible position post-op.

Within the Fundamentals programme, we develop aerobic fitness using our range of conditioning equipment, using different formats and intervals to keep sessions fun and varied while making measurable improvements! Our equipment is very low impact, meaning Jo could make big improvements to her aerobic fitness without causing further pain or discomfort.

Functional Movement patterns

The ultimate aim of any training programme is to improve the functionality of the human body for a given purpose. Our Fundamentals programme is designed to improve functionality for everyday life.

When preparing for Jo's surgery, It was very important to keep every part of the body moving well.

Due to the wear within the hip joint, the movement at the joint had started to suffer - If this had been allowed to degrade to far, the recovery would be hindered when the joint is replaced. We used several techniques to keep all joints moving as much as possible to to maintain a high level of mobility.


Post operation, The joint will need rest. Strength training will be out of the question for at least 8 weeks. During this time you will lose strength, theres no way around this!

This is why maintaining strength around the affected area is possibly the most crucial part of the 'Prehab' phase. If you do no strength training in preparation, when are forced to rest after your operation, your strength levels will drop from your usual base level meaning you'll start your rehab work weaker than you were before the operation - not ideal.

If you are proactive and work on building strength before your operation, you will still lose strength! However if you train effectively and build a good level of strength, when the time comes to start rehab work, you'll be in a far, far better position for recovery - your strength will return far more quickly than if you were starting from scratch.

Post Op

After resting up, Jo followed a custom training plan with a weekly 1-1 session. The result of Jo's preparations was nothing short of astounding - Within a matter of weeks, she was performing full ROM (range of motion) squats, barbell deadlifts, and even running.

Over the next few months, Jo continued the hard work, progressively increasing the weight and volume of her strength sets, and making continual progress on her aerobic fitness. It wasn't long before Jo felt ready to move back into our group sessions, continuing to develop her physical fitness, and serving as an incredible example of what can be achieved with the correct guidance, support and hard work.

A word from Jo

"One to one sessions with Tom have helped me to return to fitness after a long period of inactivity leading up to a hip replacement.  He is knowledgeable and kind, but at the same time has managed to push me to give my best - I have often achieved PBs week after week and am lifting more now than I would have thought possible, even when I was younger and fitter.  He even plays classical music work-out playlists during my sessions!"

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